AP Courses Offered at SOA
Program of Studies
Advanced Placement (AP) Classes Offered at SOA
Art History
Calculus AB
Computer Science Principles
English Language and Composition
English Literature and Composition
Environmental Science
Human Geography
Music Theory
Studio - Drawing
Studio - 3D
Studio - 2D
US Government
US History
World History
Advanced Placement Program®(AP®) courses are college-level courses offered in high school. AP courses reflect what is taught in top introductory college courses. At the end of course, students take AP Exams -standardized exams that measure how well students have mastered college-level course work. Students who do well on AP Exams can earn credit and/or placement into advanced courses in college.
Earning College Credit Through AP Courses
Students who take and pass an Advanced Placement Exam may be eligible to receive college level credit for the course. However, it is the individual colleges and universities, not the College Board or the AP Program, that grant course credit and placement. Policies vary widely so it is up to the student to obtain the college's AP policy in writing. You can find this information in the college's catalog or on its Web site, or by using the AP Credit Policy Info search at Credit Policy
IMPORTANT: The best source of information regarding AP credit is obtained directly from the college/university to which you may apply.