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Health Clinic Information

Health Clinic Information
Clinic Hours: 
For students- 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM  (except for emergencies) 
For parents - 7:30 AM to 3:00PM 
Contact Campus Nurses for health related information at our group email:
Clinic is located in Building 8
Fax 854-800-4069
Campus Nurses
Alissa Julian, RN
Melanie Wise, LPN
phone 843-746-6402  
Alaina Neal, RN
phone 843-746-6386
Please see the district webpage for information on health-related issues, medication forms and other health care questions. 
General Guidance on when to keep your student home;
Fever greater than 100.5 
Persistent Diarrhea
Persistent cough or sneezing that is unrelated to seasonal allergies
Students may return to class when: 
*Symptoms have resolved for 24 hours
*Fever free without fever reducing medications ( acetaminophen/ Ibuprofen ) for 24 hours  
Call your school clinic for guidance if you are unsure of whether or not to send your child to school.